Search for Planet X
Growing up, Clue was one of my favorite games. My youngest brother and I designed our own clue paper that resembled those logic puzzles you’d get in elementary school. We’d put a slash with a number when someone could have showed one of the three items, and slowly deduced with 100% certainty who had what. No idea why my chaotic ADHD middle brother would somehow solve before us AND GET IT RIGHT! You should have seen his clue paper. Nothing he guessed could have even been possible with what he marked on the paper. It made no sense.
I’m not bitter at all.
So, the first time I played Search for Planet X it hit all the right chords. I was excited about the puzzle and loved the added complexity of things to find and how you could search for clues based on the position of the earth. When I finally got to the point that I was positive I knew what was where I guessed … and I was wrong. Turned out I had a severe problem with telling the difference between comets and asteroids. Tatiana ended up finding where Planet X was, but because of how scoring benefits you when you find other celestial bodies as well, Ryan, who didn’t even find Planet X ended up winning. Tatiana was not happy.
The second time I played I made sure to let everyone know (and was constantly reminding myself) that comets have tails, asteroids do not. I did much better and it gave me all the nostalgic old school Clue feels.
So, if you loved Clue and logic puzzles, Search for Planet X is an awesome game. And because it uses an app to give certain clues and information, you can guess incorrectly and it won’t tell you what was wrong, but it also allows for SO MANY RANDOM POSSIBILITES. Great replay ability. Strongly recommend it!