September Update
This has been a crazy couple weeks. I finally have a few moments of calm to breathe and take stock of everything that’s happened. So, I figured you guys might want an update and a sneak peek at what we have planned for the near future.
First of all, and this may be the big obvious one, but … WE OPENED!!! After almost 2 and a half years of being closed, 14 months of renovations, decorating and inventory, we were finally able to re-open our doors. It has been absolutely wonderful to see everyone again and a lot of new people for the first time. The enthusiasm has been unmatched. You guys are the best.
We are so happy to have a much … MUCH bigger retail space. We are finally able to explore and expand into the stuff we really love (and hope you will too). While I’m excited about everything from board games to graphic novels, to dice, to puzzles, I’m really stoked about our new RPGs. Yes we have a lot of D&D and Pathfinder accoutrement, but the “other” RPG section is extensive and will only continue to grow. Very soon I’ll be able to start kitting out the Lounge with the new RPGs.
There have been some other changes in the Lounge, as well. First of all, MORE TABLES!! and way, way more stuff in the libraries for the Members to enjoy. All of you guys’ excitment over the Geek Lounge has matched if not exceeded our own. In fact, we were a little overwhelmed by interest in new Memberships. There were so many applications that we actually had to pause and revamp the entire Membership process. If you aren’t already aware, we are now only accepting new applications four times a year for a couple week intake periods. This will allow us time to review the applications and gradually accept new Members between intake periods. Our next application intake period will begin next week, so keep an eye out for the monthly update email with instructions on applying.
And apply you must, because we have some incredibly cool events getting ready to kick off. Throughout the year we’ll have one off tournaments, League and Ultra, Co-op Nights, RPGs, Legacy months, Trivia, auctions and our Explorer’s Guild (more info on the Guild soon).
On Wednesday, we wrapped up the Great Western Trail. The competition was fierce and Cameron, David, Drew and Matthew H. faced off on the final table. Drew proved to be the best cattle wrangler out there and won his table on all three weeks.
Next month we are going to kick off our first League game: Architects of the West Kingdom so, if you are a Member, keep an eye out for the invite on the Members Discord.
Anyway, I should get back to ordering more beautiful dice, so if you haven’t stopped by yet, come say hi!