Summer Passport Update 4

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Summer Passport Update 4

Jul 12, 2019 | Lounge

Cameron and Aranea pushed passed Alex and Max and AJ is working his way up!

FLGS Game Knight in Portland!

More of the Old Car Hidden Gem.

Hidden Gem: Barrels.

To get the stamp for seeing something at the Majestic we asked for a ticket stub, but photos are so much more fun!

AJ and Polly found the trees first thing in the morning and then headed to the Geekhouse to bang out a game of Blood Rage right at opening. This is Passport dedication.

FLGS: Ticket to Play. Ticket to Play was the first board game cafe David and I visited. Good food, good people, good games.

FLGS: Red Castle. Red Castle is one of our favorite FLGS in Portland. They were super helpful giving advice when it came to what types of shelving they use.