Order Now, Deliver Later

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Order Now, Deliver Later

Feb 25, 2021 | Geekhouse

Well, we’ve had a few instances where you all have wanted to order something right now but will be adding something else to the order later and want it all delivered together. This has come up with special orders, something we sold out of but were getting more of real soon, and something that was selling like hot cakes and you wanted to make sure you got a copy but wanted to combine it with something else to get the free shipping or just pay a single delivery fee for both orders. We get it, it’s something we use with our own suppliers.

So, we set up a new option that says “Don’t deliver yet, I’ll combine with another order.” that you can select at checkout. Because of our limited space we can only hold products for a short period of time so it’s not a storage, but you guys get it.

That also leads into my reminder to all of you, if there’s something you are wanting that we don’t have in stock, shoot us a text and we can see if we can track it down for you. (This still applies to you, Drew and Jason, even though I keep telling you guys I can’t get ahold of whatever it is you are trying to find.)

That’s all. Public service announcement over …